You and your family have decided to travel the orgeon trail in search for a better life. You gather your 2 ox and build a wagon. Do you wish to start on the oregon trail?
[[YES!]]To get to the trail in the first place, you need to get to get the start at Independance. It is a 40 mile journey. Will you take a train or use your wagon?
[[Train (-$5.00)]]
[[Wagon]]As you board the train, a suspious looking man approaches you. He askes you if you have any family with you.
[[SAY YES (lie)]]
[[SAY NO(truth)]]After a full day of travelling, you finally reach the start of the trail.
[[Ok.]]He grunts, then leaves.
[[Ok.]]He announces he is robbing the train, and shoots you.
[[Aw, shucks.|START!]]
You see many other travellers prepering for there long journey. Do you wish to talk to them?
[[No.]]The oregon trail was a trail starting in Missouri and ended in Oregon. It was the biggest immagration route to American West. People took this long, back-breaking journey in promises for free land, and new oppertunites. In this game, you will be one of these travelers.
[[Start!]]You start your journey. After 7 hours of endless walking, you cannot walk anymore. You stop to rest, and grow hungry. Do you wish to hunt the nearby buffelo, or purchase food from an outpost?
[[Purchase Food]]
[[Hunt]]You talk to one of the travellers. He is drunk and pushes you off a cliff [[Aw, shucks.|START!]]You enjoy canned beans.
[[Ok|10 days later]]You hunt for hours and finally kill a squirrell. You hurgrelly eat and continute on the trail.
[[Ok.|10 days later]](22 DAYS LATER)
After 22 days, You are now halfway there. You spot a shortcut. Do you take it?
[[Nah]]After seven more days, you finally reach oregon!
[[Play again!|START!]]20 days pass. You finally reach!
[[Play again!|START!]]